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Monday 25 July 2011


The decision to obtain a second nationality is an important one. Prospective applicants often seek some guidance to help ensure that they are making the right decision. Below, I highlight a few of the main issues that should be considered when selecting choice of country for dual citizenship:

  • COST
The overall cost of the dual citizenship application may be a key determinant in obtaining a second passport.  The various options (single or family), package deals, sourcing relevant personal documents, processing fees, stamps, travel related to interview, background check, passport application, shipping of documents etc. all generate costs which need to be  factored in.

The country issuing dual citizenship is another important factor when deciding on getting a second passport. The political and economic environment of the offering country must be considered as well as its reputation internationally.

People desire dual citizenship for various reasons including travel and business.  Therefore, of paramount importance is the benefit to be derived (in terms of accessibility to others countries) from having such a passport.

Most countries offer dual citizenship via an agent or agents.  It is imperative to select one with experience and good repute.  Government recommendation, suggestions from friends etc. are important sources to tap into.

The criteria for eligiblity for second citizenship vary from country to country.  One must be satisfied or comfortable with the enquiries, demands or requests in regards to the application.  This does not mean, however, that one should option for a country which does not perform due diligence or vice versa.

When planning to spend a sizeable sum of money on becoming a citizen of your chosen country the speed in processing your application is crucial.  Once your money has departed from your hands you would like to have that second passport immediately.  Provided all requisite documents have been submitted on time, the process should not take more that three (3) months.  So, please ensure that you sign and submit the necessary forms, accompanying documents etc.

This list is by no means exhaustive.  Feel free to add your suggestions to it.


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